Business Accelerators for Productive Families
We believe in the ability of productive families in the Kingdom to achieve success and innovation. Through business accelerator programs, we provide productive families with the opportunity to grow and expand faster. Our business accelerators are specifically designed to provide the resources, guidance, and funding needed to realize the ambitions of home projects and transform them into sustainable businesses. Our services include:
Experts to help you with strategic planning and business development.
Access to financing solutions that contribute to accelerating the growth of your project.
Connect with local and international entrepreneurs and investors to enhance your chances of success.
Productive Families Registration Form
Our goals in Muntijuh
Empowering economically productive families
Enabling productive families to effectively contribute to raising the local and economic product.
Boost production and stimulate sales
Enhance production values, develop and promote their products and stimulate their sales.
Regulating traditional crafts
Regulating traditional industries and crafts in a way that benefits the economy, family and society.
Digital transformation to improve sales
Empowering businesses by leveraging technology to achieve digital transformation, activate dormant customers and improve sales.
Business incubators for productive families
We have an incubator environment that helps productive families start their projects from scratch and achieve stability and sustainable growth. We provide the necessary support during the early stages of establishing the project. Our business incubator services include:
Convert to e-commerce
Converting from traditional sales to e-commerce, providing digital sales outlets and activating sales.
Training courses and workshops
Comprehensive training programs on how to start and manage projects, effective marketing, pricing and packaging methods.
Legal and administrative consultations
Full support in legal and financial aspects to facilitate the establishment of your project.
Technology infrastructure
Fully equipped workspaces and technical support to help you focus on developing your project.
Digital Pages
Digital pages as a virtual business incubator to facilitate and develop the target group and obtain the necessary programs with ease.
Convert to micro companies
Transforming productive families, after achieving stability and full readiness, into production lines and small businesses.