Productive Families

We believe in the ability of productive families in the Kingdom to achieve success and innovation. Through business accelerator programs, we provide productive families with the opportunity to grow and expand faster. Our business accelerators are specifically designed to provide the resources, guidance, and empowerment needed to realize the ambitions of home projects and transform them into sustainable businesses.

Productive Families Registration Form

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Target group
How did you hear about us?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
الآسر المنتجة

Empowering productive families economically


Boost production and stimulate sales


Regulating traditional crafts


Digital transformation to improve sales

أصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة

Small Business Owners

We have an incubator environment that helps small business owners start their projects from scratch and achieve stability and sustainable growth. We provide the necessary support during all stages of the project

Registering Start-ups or Small Projects

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Project sector
Type of support required
Do you have a business plan ready?
Target group

Economically empowering entrepreneurs


Stimulate innovation and boost production


Support local industries


Digital transformation and sales expansion


We believes that freelancers represent the future of entrepreneurship and contribute to the digital economy. Therefore, we are committed to providing the necessary support to help them achieve growth and stability and transform their passion and skills into sustainable sources of income.

Registration of Freelancers

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Target group
Type of support required
أصحاب وثائق العمل الحر

Digital Transformation Program


Professional Consulting


Support and communication networks